Ballet classes are great at training your Child to have correct posture along with providing good discipline and concentration.
Whatever your Childs age they are never too old to start Ballet classes as this style of dance forms the base & technique of all other genres.
When the correct standard has been achieved Children can be entered for ballet exams under the ISTD syllabus
Tap is a super fun dance genre which allows the children to develop their sense of rhythm and creativity.
When the correct standard has been achieved Children can be entered for tap exams under the ISTD syllabus
Modern classes work on the Children’s strength, posture & flexibility and help the Children to understand different dance dynamics, with jazz & lyrical content included in the class - Modern classes are offered to our 11+ dancers.

*Please note with our younger pupils the Ballet & Tap classes are combined into one session so the pupils get to learn both contrasting dance styles for the price of one class*
Street & Commercial
These dance styles have rocketed in popularity and allow the Children to learn fun routines to their favourite Pop, RnB & Chart music.
Contemporary has become a very popular dance style.
It is an unusual, creative and expressive style of dance mixing modern, ballet and lyrical moves. We offer weekly contemporary classes for 7+yrs
Musical Theatre
This class is a fantastic confidence booster and allows your Child to become a triple threat, as they receive training in dance & singing along with some drama content - in today’s performing industry it is important to be trained in all 3 disciplines.
A fun & popular class designed to bring out the confidence in each pupil
This class is lead by our qualified and highly experienced gymnastics coach Kirsty.
The class involves limbering which plays a vital role alongside dancing and also teaches the pupils tricks & tumbling as they would if they attended gymnastics lessons.
The class also improves strength and stamina
Pre-School Dance
Our Pre-school class teaches ballet, tap and modern
The pre-school class is a fun, creative and rewarding class.
We except pupils from around 18 months old and we allow Parents/Guardians to sit in and watch the class, we are also happy for Parents to join in with the class to encourage the Children to participate.
We use a lot of repetition within this class as this is the best way for the Children to learn and progress at this young age
We have singing lessons available for Children aged 10+ years.